Chirag Jadav

Chirag Jadav is a software developer specialized in Mobile and Web Development with solid experience working for startups. I Regularly contribute to open source projects and active peer on the Flutter. As a freelancer, he works in the following areas:

  • Core areas: Flutter, React Native, Node, JavaScript, React, Android, iOS
  • State management: Redux, Mobx
  • Cloud: AWS, Firebase, Google Cloud
  • Database: SQL based, Mongo, Firebase
  • Backend: Express API, GraphQL server, Apollo Server, Swagger,
  • Unit Testing: Jest, Enzyme
  • UI Framework: Material, Semantic, Bootstrap
  • E2E Testing: Espresso, React Dev Tools, Flutter Octopus
  • Agile : Scrum, TDD, CI/CD
  • Engineering : Clean Code, Code Review, Design Patterns

* Consulting and Lead Experience