
A modern virtual classroom
built for the millennial
generation. Social media
like learning platform
with peer to peer communication.
1st: US$ 10000

Remote COVID19 diagnosis by capturing vitals through a web cam and browser.
2nd: US$ 5000

Gamifying social distancing.
3rd: US$ 3000

Covid 19 Fact Checker
An easy to use fake news checker 
that uses authentic 
government, scientific
and public health information.
3rd: US$ 3000

Grape Community
An open platform to
build micro-communities.
Any one can sign up and
create a virtual community
for their real world community.
3rd: US$ 3000


COVID-19 Helpdesk
Low cost device to self-report
COVID19 symptoms
US$ 1000

Covid Safe
Using cell tower data to ensure social distancing compliance
US$ 1000

Remote health monitoring device for rural patients
US$ 1000

Corona Protective gloves and PPE
Self disinfecting
US$ 1000

Laser projected queue management system
US$ 1000

Gods Eye
Ensuring social distancing in crowded places by using AI in CCTV footage
US$ 1000

Peer to Peer Multi Audio-Video Conferencing Web – App Secure video conferencing alternative to Zoom
US$ 1000

Track Covid
Predict exposure to COVID19 by correlating travel data with identified hotspots
US$ 1000

Corona Smart Hat
Help maintain good hygiene with a low cost sensor
US$ 1000

DocCom – A Doctor’s Community Forum
Networking app for doctors who are on the frontlines
US$ 1000